Our Beef
Our cows are raised on lovingly tended pastures in communal groups. We employ regenerative farming methods that include small acreage paddocks with frequent rotation onto new ground with newly emerging grasses. They are never exposed to grains, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. There is no confinement, no antibiotics, and no hormones. Ever.
Every calf we raise is born and raised on our farm, so we know exactly who they are and how they mature. Having this degree of knowledge and control is at the heart of how we assure uniform quality of our beef.
Grass Fed Beef
The Process
An enlightened farmer knows that soil is the lifeblood of food. And, properly built soil is at the heart of great food that has reaped the benefit of taking in the combination of sunlight, rain and carbon from the sky with minimal non-natural inputs. We revel in having properly made this formula work for us, and especially for our prized foraging stock
The farm that plays host to our beef cattle is called Camp Branch. It’s named for the braided black water stream that meanders through the property. When we first acquired the 365 acre tract it was in need of some care. The old cropland openings had been depleted by years of conventional, intensive practices leaving little organic material in the soil. In creating our pastures we began a process that would gradually heal the land and thereby sustain a healthy herd of grazing animals.